“Breaking the Seal on Drug Research” The New York Times 2013年7月29日付
The author of that comment, Dr. Keiji Hayashi, had no connection to the Cochrane group; he was a pediatrician in Japan who had prescribed Tamiflu to children in his practice, but had come to question its efficacy. He was curious about one of the main studies on which Dr. Jefferson had relied in his previous analysis. Called the Kaiser study, it pooled the results of 10 clinical trials. But Dr. Hayashi noticed that the results of only two of those trials had been fully published in medical journals. Given that details of eight trials were unknown, how could the researchers be certain of their conclusion that Tamiflu reduced risk of complications from flu?
“We should appraise the eight trials rigidly,” Dr. Hayashi wrote.
Reviews by the Cochrane group are known for being among the most thoroughly researched medical analyses available. But in trying to answer the pediatrician’s question, Dr. Jefferson realized that there was a flaw: they relied too heavily on the assumption that the articles published in journals accurately represented the results of all clinical trials that had been conducted.
As he tried to track down the authors of the Kaiser study and the two published trials, Dr. Jefferson said he hit dead ends: One author said he had moved offices and no longer had the files; another said he had never seen the primary trial data, instead relying on a summary analysis provided by Roche. All the authors suggested that he contact the company.
“We took it on faith ― on trust,” Dr. Jefferson, 59, said recently in a phone interview. Dr. Hayashi’s question had tested that faith. Dr. Jefferson began typing each new discovery in a private journal he called Hayashi’s Problem, which, he said, “charted my transformation from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde.”
(画像左)Peter Doshi:この文章の内容と話した学者、本診療所にも電話していました
(中央)Archie Cochrane:イギリスの著名な医学者で、世界中の研究を検討する研究組織「コクラン共同計画」はこの人の名前をつかっている
(右)Tom Jefferson:コクラン共同計画でタミフルやインフルエンザワクチン研究の中心:林の意見を聞き入れた人「名も知らない林に人生を変えられた」と語っています